
Hejsan! Just nu är det tusen saker att göra i skolan, prov hela tiden och utöver det så har jag körkortsplugg å massa övriga uppgifter med projektet och mö en mycket glad nyhet är att det bara är att räkna ner dagarna tills jag blir 18, mindre än en vecka kvar! Körkortsplugget får dock prioriteras bort just nu...
Hello! Now I have thousands of things to work with in school, tests the whole time and beyond that I have driver license to study, tasks to work with from the singer/songerwriter project and other meetings to visit. But a good news is that I am turning 18 years old in less than a week from now! FINALLY!
Hello! Now I have thousands of things to work with in school, tests the whole time and beyond that I have driver license to study, tasks to work with from the singer/songerwriter project and other meetings to visit. But a good news is that I am turning 18 years old in less than a week from now! FINALLY!